Pretty solidly enjoyable giallo overall
3 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I've been aware of this one for many years now. I mean it's not difficult to forget given that provocative title! But I also heard in advance that the film itself was supposed to be somewhat tedious and not at all what you might think given its monicker. Let's be honest, it is a misleading title, one which only bears fruit half-way through its runtime and even then, has no bearing on the main thrust of the plot but, then again, 'Fully Dressed Old Man Killed the Park' just doesn't have nearly so much of an enticing ring to it. The story has the aforementioned old man, murdered in the ghost train in an amusement park. This leads to his daughter immediately receiving disturbing telephone calls and in true giallo tradition, a string of murders soon follows as well.

Despite the negative forewarnings, I actually found myself enjoying this one. The storyline isn't anything too original and it could definitely have done with a few on-screen murders but it still has a definite sprinkling of that giallo magic we know and love, such as some supremely beautiful women, great cinematography, a lush score, a dash of erotica, some wacky plot developments and a reliable cast which features a few seasoned pros such as Adolfo Celi as a police inspector and Howard Ross as a mute gardener who is so shifty he might as well have been called Rod Herring, while the extremely alluring Pilar Velázquez was a very welcome presence in the central role as the endangered daughter. Also of note is the fact that this one was improbably directed than none other than Alfonso Brescia, who is most famous as the director of four terrible Star Wars rip-offs from the late 70's - needless to say, this one is decidedly more watchable than any of those let me tell you! So, overall, while this isn't exactly a stellar example of the genre, I would definitely say that it's a pretty enjoyable one if you are a seasoned fan of these kinds of things.
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