The best criticism and satire towards the social division due to the clash between politics and entertainment
8 November 2023
This special is a witty response to everything that has been resonating on social media about Disney's bad decisions. The biggest defect that this company usually has is that it always seeks to please everyone in any way and the reality is that you cannot do that. You always have to choose one thing or the other and not both because they are so opposite. What has always been judged is the recycling of certain projects as something unoriginal and even lazy. The part of laziness is accompanied by how dependence on technology has caused us to lose the ability to do something manually. It is an allegory of how the use of technology in the world of entertainment is used to give more priority to productions, putting them above good manual writing. Which could have been a factor in the writers' strike over the use of AI, which is what this special also parodies.

The multiverse has become a means to justify the expansion of franchises and physical changes in characters. The reality is that in the multiverse everything is valid without exceptions and even though the change of sex or race in a character is not to the liking of many, it is just as valid. The problem comes when, when reimagining something, you don't show enough commitment or effort to turn it into something worthy of praise. Since in the multiverse everything is valid, these types of errors are allowed, but more correct things are also allowed, such as the case of Miles Morales in Spiderverse as Kyle mentioned. Simply, the possibilities of making a successful or unsuccessful imagination or recreation are open, since in the multiverse everything is valid.

When the time comes to use that as a means to raise awareness in society, the problem begins that has created a great cleavage between the public and the film industry. What is seen in this special is an alternate universe where there is an absence of white people and it is a clear criticism of how wanting to give enough priority to other races in a project causes the white race to end up absent, generating an imbalance. When you want to talk and equality, it is always necessary that all races in general be present to maintain the correct balance. Furthermore, it is worth mentioning that when talking about these projects, the media gives more priority to insignificant things than to the projects themselves. This was the case with the kiss in Lightyear, the false news of a romance in Strange World or the modified blue fairy in Pinocchio. Ironically, the enormous negative reaction that resorted to hate showed that in part Disney was always right regarding a sector of the public and that there is enormous paranoia that suggests that there is indoctrination involved and that anything that touches on leftist themes is bad. The rejection of The Little Mermaid and Ruby Gillman's hasty adoration for her character Chelsea show that Disney was always right when saying that The Little Mermaid haters were discriminatory, but when the topic of Hey Cousins came up later, Disney fell into the same prejudice as the public. This is where the fundamental message of this South Park special comes in.

What needs to be understood, and it is something that only intelligent people can understand, is that hatred towards Disney is something incompetent that will continue to drive it to produce more products in response to intolerance. It's true that, as this special shows, Disney's profits are declining. But this company has always been involved in politics since its founding. For the world of politics it is convenient to create social division and the controversies of Disney products have also been essential for this. By responding to the supposed controversies aggressively, this shows that Disney is right about intolerance and gives it more reason to produce products that continue to generate noise. The bad thing is that due to the high priority that the media gives to inclusions, when questioning the quality of the product or judging it only by the inclusions it has, companies can no longer differentiate those who are judging the product in a constructive way. Of the one who only judges it by its inclusions. For this reason, both end up being put under the same label of discriminatory person. It is a mistake that many left-wing users make and even right-wing users themselves when someone comes to give a positive opinion of something that has inclusion, but they approved it only because they judge the product itself. This division is a clear consequence of the controversies that are not good for the world of cinema, but are quite beneficial for the world of politics. It's something that people on the left and people on the right will never understand why they always fight to see who is right. The reality is that both lack true intelligence and are therefore very easy to manipulate. When they look for someone to blame for a failure, they put the blame on people on the right and when they look for someone to blame for a poorly executed product, they put the blame on people on the left.

It is completely correct and just what is special about South Park suggests because Disney's inclusions do not contribute anything to social movements and do not help to improve their projects, but the hatred towards Disney is not going to stop what it does and will only encourage it more to continue making the same wrong decision. That is the moral of this episode of South Park and only those of us who are really intelligent can agree with that moral. Although there are some holes that should have been filled, there is no doubt that Joining The Panderverse is another ingenious and fun South Park story that makes us think about how very decadent society and humanity are and how they influence the world of entertainment. My final rating for this installment of South Park is a 9/10.
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