Onimusha (2023)
Traumatised by death, but she's got a sassy, condescending attitude 5 minutes later...
9 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So I'm a huge fan of the games. Resident Evil in the Edo period with samurai swords instead of guns? Sheer heaven.

The story and characters from the games were pretty cool with a surprising amount of depth.

I got halfway through episode 2 of this show and switched off in disgust.

The main character (modelled on the legendary Toshiro Mifune) and his companions find a lone survivor of a massacre (reminiscent of Newt from Aliens), she's understandably Shellshocked and traumatised but our heroes get her to safety in impressive fashion.

She then immediately becomes a condescending, obnoxious know-it-all who constantly insults the men who saved her life.

I've seen this crap a thousand times before and I'm not putting up with it ever again.

I don't know what happens next and I never will, I'll play the awesome games instead.
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