Portrait of a lady on hire
15 November 2023
The economical 56 minute- leave yer seat to buy a choc-ice and miss most of it- running time seems just about right for this low budget, low key noir, which quickly settles into an efficiently haunting groove.

Injured marine, William Terry, invalided out of service, is lured by a series of letters to the residence of lonely, disturbed Helen Thimig to meet her lovely daughter, who exists......only in the form of an imposing portrait, which dominates a wall of her gloomy, austere home.

Frustrated by the mounting excuses for the girl's prolonged absence, Terry begins to form a close friendship with local doctor, Virginia Grey.

The irrational, insane jealousy of the increasingly deranged Thimig, triggers alarm bells in her companion (Edith Barrett). A naturally timid and guileless character, will she have the necessary chops to alert the couple of the impending threat, as Thimig's conduct grows ever more unpredictable?

'Strangers' retains a darkly sombre resonance throughout. Nobody appears to be in the mood to break into a 'doodee-doobee-doo' or a 'dah-dah-dah-dah-dah' any time soon!

The movie is most notable for the negative, suspicious attitude of the time, expressed towards Virginia Grey's character, as a female doctor.
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