Mildly enjoyable but Rob is pretty obnoxious in this one.
20 November 2023
First of several flashback army episodes.

Times have changed--rob is a pig.

"Oh How We Met the Night That We Danced" is a flashback episode about Rob and his army years...something that will be revisited in several future episodes.

It begins with Rob and Laura getting rid of some junk when they come upon Rob's old Army boots...and this spurs Rob to then tell Ritchie about when he and Laura met. Apparently, she was with the USO and Rob was to be the emcee of the show with her.

When Rob sees Laura, he's instantly smitten and spends most of the episode harassing Laura to go out with him. He will NOT relent and comes on very strong. This sort of thing was considered cute back in 1961, but today it does come off as pretty obnoxious and might be seen by many as sexual harassment. As for me, I thought it was a mistake to make Rob act like this, as it undermined his nice-guy image the show had created....hence my low score.
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