Try It, You'll Like It! !
2 December 2023
I began watching this and was sure that I was watching an actual student documentary. The opening credits read school something and the first scenes were that what you'd expect a school boys video would look like.

The director Marco Simone Puccioni was well versed in the subject matter and documentary making. (See trivia for more details)

Then we are introduced to Leone and his project partner Jacobo. The two are best friends and have chosen the Leone's circumstance of two fathers as their thesis.

Explained quickly and throughly Paola and Simone are lovers and after living together they decide they'd like a child. Italian law does permit two men to be a couple and therefore adoption is not available. But, as fate steps in with Paola former classmate Tilly (Jodhi May) willing to be the carrier. The sperm of both men are mixed, shaken and stirred into a cocktail.

Nine months later, "It's a Boy!" and the world welcomes Leone into the world and Paola and Simone welcome him into their lives. Tilly is known as the carrier, not the mother. In Italian "Dede" The story continues. Everybody in school thinks the boy with two fathers is gay. No big deal, except he's not. Why should he be gay, because his parents are?

Francesco Gheghi is realistic in his portrayal of Leone.

Very likable and easy to root for. He has a bright future ahead. "Il Filo Invisibile" its original Italian title is a quick paced One Hour forty-nine minutes.

It's a fun watch. Maybe an excellent rewatch, while making dinner or reading. The scenes are enjoyable and you don't need a great amount of processing power, giving my brain a needed breather. I think on additional viewings they'll be layers I missed.

An Alka Seltzer TV commercial in the early 70s had the classic line, "Try it. You'll Like It." I'd say that is apropos here.

(even more so, the protagonist in the TV commercial got a tummy ache. I assure you that won't be the case watching this)
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