Call Overactors Anonymous !
15 December 2023
The producers were able to assemble a usually fine cast for this mystery movie, but the problem is, they all really ham it up so much that it almost becomes laughable. The worst hams are Jeanne Crain, Agnes Moorehead, and William Demarast, but Janssen does his share of chewing up the scenery, too. The mysterious plot is somewhat interesting but another problem is that the script just calls for these hams to stand, sit, or sometimes even lay around talking, talking, and talking even more. There is very little action here, just a bunch of verbalization that sometimes goes on and on. After seeing the scene when Janssen visits Moorehead, who is over the top with her hamminess, I concluded that the producers of TV's "Bewitched" must have seen it and said - oh yeah, we just found our outrageous Endora.

I still give this six stars, only because it is interesting to watch - and you really can't turn it off, waiting to see just which of these usually good actors it going to out ham the other ones !
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