The Grand (2007)
Competing for the big prize
16 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
"The Grand" is a mockumentary about a number of poker players competing at an important tournament. There are things "The Grand" does well and there are things "The Grand" does not do well. Probably it's easiest to begin with the positives.

"The Grand" boasts some good jokes and funny characters. Other viewers will pick their own favorites, but I was particularly fond of Woody Harrelson as a brain-fried stoner who, somehow, seduced more women than Valentino ever did. From a satirical viewpoint the movie also kicks a richly deserving buttock, to wit the Las Vegas casino aesthetic. (One of the segments includes an architect's model of a proposed casino on a "Fire Disaster" theme, complete with a fake blaze devouring the upper floors.) Perceptively, the movie points out that the surpassing hideousness of these buildings is not an accident, but an unavoidable result of the owners' desire to keep their punters hooked, confused and biddable.

"The Grand" is far less successful constructing a cohesive story working towards a compelling conclusion. It is also pretty bad at picturing human relationships. For instance : who believes that a father saying a few kind words to his adult son is going to wipe out decades of cruel and capricious education ?

I'm awarding the movie five stars. In fairness I need to add that I know bupkes about the game of poker. Poker players may discover clever finds or inventive twists that escaped me entirely.
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