Good example for a good life, led by Greg
18 December 2023
I can't express my gratitude for who directed the movie, because I'm stunned. It had led to a beautiful movie and for the spectators abroad, to get to know the image behind these events.

It is truly a good example of how, the way of Jesus should look like for teenagers who are in need/ are simply searching for goodness, where they get a chance to meet and talk and feel in connection with Him and with each other, in a way that only Christianity can get you, to feel.

I'm looking forward for a movie like this, where hope is the main center of action, where I get to see something I'm more connected with, than the standard mindset nowadays, violence and spectaculous.

I gave it an eight, because I feel lile it deserves an 8 from me, rather than a lower grade. It much, shows, how to surpass almost every hardship and be there, to change for the better what you can change, and others can change, with you.
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