🐳 Man, that Black Manta Vs Aquaman End Fight was Amazing to Watch🐙
24 December 2023
Just Got out of an IMAX 3D Screening of Aquaman 2. I'm Going to See this Again in Screen X Next Weekend.

RIP DCEU 2013-2023. It was a Fun Ride at times. Let's Move onto the DCU now.

Let's Get the Negatives out First -

1. 📜 The Storyline was Great and made sense until the Writers decided to Shoot themselves in the foot, About 2/3rds of the way in. (DNA freeing Kordax and his Army instead of the Perfectly Fine Orichalcum Melting the Ice Caps and Freeing Them). Are the Writers taking Major Uppers whilst Writing these Scripts?

2. 🐜 🔱 Black Manta and Aquamans Hostile Relationship just wasn't Capitalised on properly through Dialogue. Aquaman Murdered his Father, and they barely have a lick of Dialogue with eachother?

3. ⚫🔱 Kordax being freed - I just Felt like they should of had a Great Final Battle with Kordax after Aquaman throws the First Black Trident at Him(you could still have that Stunning Slow Motion 2nd Trident Throw Kill)

4. 👎 The Second In Command Under Black Manta has to be one of the Worst Second In Commands in Cinema I've ever seen. She just shouts inaudible orders, has no personality whatsoever and just doesn't do a damn thing.

Things I Liked about The Film -

1. 📜 The Storyline, I really liked the Storyline in this. It was Excellent in my opinion.......... until, again, introducing the, "Oh Manta needs the Blood Now" thing. 🤦🏻

2. 💐The Visuals - So Many of the Visuals were so good to watch. That Atlantis Chase Scene was Visual Eye Candy 🍬 (others might not like this sort of thing).

3. 🎶 The Score, I really liked the Score. Particularly the Atlantis Discovery Segment and the Black Manta Score.

4. 👉👈 You Put Aquaman 2 Together with Aquaman 1 and It's a Good 1,2 Punch of a Storyline.

5a. 🎬 The Action Scenes - I liked all of the Action Scenes. (except for one) I literally Tuned out during this Scene, it was the Orm and Aquaman Chase Scene in the Desert on these 8 legged Creatures. I tuned back in around the time that Orms Body got Covered by a Wave of Sea Water.

5b. 🔱🔱Still in The Action - That Aquaman Vs Black Manta Battle was so damn Good! The Camera Movements, the Zoom in/out, the Panning. It was Amazing. 👌

5c. 👱🙋More Action - The Orm vs Aquaman "Push Scene". I just really liked that Scene.

5d. 🔱💃 The Trident Throw Towards Mera. It was A Great Slow Motion Moment.

5e. 🔱🔱💀 The Final Kill - What a Final Kill!

Overall, Ok, that was Fun, DCEU are You Done? Ok Good. Let's Bring on The DCU Now.
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