Some Very Effective Performances
29 December 2023
Leo Genn runs a Soho strip club. He's not too particular about the age of the girls he hires, like 16-year-old Barbara Windsor (actually 22). He is a loner, as indicated by his character's name, "Johnny Solo" this doesn't stop Jayne Mansfield from loving him. The club is popular, but the authorities don't approve of such institutions, so when he gets veiled threats to pay up, he decides to handle it on his own.

It is, surprisingly, a well told, downbeat story about the seamier side of the entertainment industry, with Genn excellent, and Miss Mansfield surprisingly good. Like most people, I am used to her "poor man's Marilyn Monroe" screen personna, but here she plays it straight, and she's very effective. There are three or four well-choreographed stage numbers, none of them that would got anyone except the most prudish blue stocking upset, even if they seem rather elaborate for a night club, and an entertaining, if short, catfight. With Karlheinz Böhm, Christopher Lee, and a large number of very upholstered-looking young women.
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