Three of Us (2022)
THREE OF US:-a poignant tale of loss, grief and nostalgia
7 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Three of us is a drama film directed by avinash arun dhaware.

You know the film is brilliant, when you can see through the characters, when they are crystal clear about their happiness and grief, their sorrow and joy. This film leaves a lasting impression on a human's present as well as the past. When shailaja's expression changes from a nostalgic twitch to a face saddened with the impending loss, you feel the pain within you. When two friends make up with their lost time on a ferris wheel, away from the chaos, beside the vast sea, you see the genuineness of their conversation. The piano notes in the bgm tap on the characters' memories. It feels like it is making time itself from the chaotic rhythmic progression just like the characters. The cinematography feels like a throbbing timeless nod to the beauty of a pendulum that swings between nostalgia and inherent joy to loss and grief.

The dialogues written are so well woven between the characters, it seems that they are meant to be spoken by them. So much is said through the unsaid. The screenplay peels like an onion one at a time, we get to know shailaja and dipankar. Then we come across pradeep. And at last, we behold their souls, some living in the present, some looking for their past in the present. The screenplay never feels slow, because it never becomes overbearing. It does not decimate its narrative deft in the name of pacing. We know, in the first half, that shailaja suffers a loss in her childhood, that pradeep has a lonesome side to him, but it is only in the second half, that they are conveyed to us, in a way that is subtle and tender. There are some neatly staged scenes. One instance being when dipankar is insecure towards shailaja feeling happiness around pradeep. He questions her whether she felt the same thing with him ever. We never feel it out of place, this insecurity out of place because the staging is such, the writing has been clean. There are scenes like this throughout the film where the film feels like a sweet beginning to something which is happening and also sonething which has been lost beyond ages. This film will be in my personal soace for a long, long time.
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