The Sea Beast (2022)
Netflix is certainly amping up their animation artillery!
12 January 2024
The Sea Beast is the project that got Disney veteran Chris Williams onto the Netflix Animation deck of production. It's surprisingly slick animation for Netflix to have, especially considering they're relative newcomers to the animated feature scene in Hollywood: and the film's commitment to ocean-based iconography and navigational history is very good. The imagery is so crisp it makes up for the somewhat predictable story.

Nature vs nurture and all the good stuff of 'misunderstood monster' tropes is on full display, and though it does fall short of the likes of Klaus, Guillermo Del Toro's Pinocchio and Nimona, it's still a good time-killer. This film makes you wonder what else is on the horizon for Chris Williams and Netflix? Sure there's already a sequel coming out (or it could be a prequel), but who says it all stops with Sea Beast alone?

Netflix Animation is gonna keep increasing production output to stand out on the Hollywood scene of animation, and it seems like an Oscar for them (besides the one for Pinocchio) isn't too far off at all. Heck, could they even make a movie that's nominated for Best Animated Feature AND Best Picture? Who can tell? The future's unpredictable with stuff like this. All that is predictable: production output is gonna be consistent if the success keeps coming.

The Sea Beast is a visual feast relying on storytelling that gives some breathing room to done-to-death tropes, and though it doesn't make it wholly 'mind blowing' it's still refreshing enough you want to finish the film anyway.

3.5/5 stars. 7/10 points. Streaming is getting ambitious with its animated filmmaking!
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