Mostly for children. Could have been better researched.
15 January 2024
I would rate this PG at best. I expected this, but was hoping for some better historical imagery to keep me entertained. I'm a huge fan any history of exploration.

Unfortunately for me this series ties in a lot of early American politics and military battles told from a very child friendly perspective, which really doesn't interest me much as far as entertainment. I was hoping for more details regarding the explorers themselves.

I stopped watching after the second episode. Half of the episode derailed into some unrelated material to the fist part of the episode, really don't know why...there was so much to tell about Lewis and Clarks famous expedition.

Yes there are some historical inaccuracies especially when it comes to historical clothing, some firearms, bows, etc. But a lot of that is very expected. Overall, I wouldn't fret much at all. This is clearly an extremely low budget production. If this was a big Hollywood film, it would irk me fore sure...but just about every Hollywood historical drama is mostly fiction based on lose events. This series is definitely for more superior, in the respect of having a cohesive historical chronology.

There were a few major historical inaccuracies, and I'm really not sure why. Probably one of the reasons I lost interest, because I got sick of using google and wikipedia to double check on historical events. But as some of you history buffs out-there, I'm sure you know that there multiple perspectives, and outright lies when it comes to retelling of history.

I will conclude that this is still cool for children to watch, as long that they understand that they need to learn how to fact check. I hope this series will inspire children to really enjoy history as a story, and not just a series of dates and names to regurgitate on a test in school!
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