John Cusack Takes Off From Here
23 January 2024
Better Off Dead (1985), is a great comedy motion picture, from the 1980s. In my opinion one of John Cusack's best films, at least, from the comedy genre-side of his resume. The comedy in this film, teeters close to a combination between Airplane (1980) and as a skiing, snow-version, of Caddyshack (1980). The difference being, Caddyshack (1980), had the leverage of being rated-R, so its plot was able to tackle raunchier jokes and utilized sex-comedy. Better Off Dead (1985), had the rated-PG tag, had to rely on smarter, innuendo-type jokes and clever screwball-type of situations, just like those found in Airplane (1980). Better Off Dead (1985), also represents the 1980s version of a rom-com, but its ultimate goal, is to generate laughs. The rom-com was a staple, genre-source, that John Cusack would churn-out, during his early years as an actor. Cusack plays Lane Meyer, an average high-school kid, who loves skiing, but his life is over, because his girlfriend, Beth (Amanda Wyss), dumped him for a popular, athletic, jock-jerk and holder of the K2, school skiing record, Roy Stalin (one time actor, Aaron Dozier). Needless to say, this creates a difficult time for Lane and a moment in his life, that makes him, better off dead.

Director, Savage Steve Holland, crafts his best theatrical film he ever did, with a zaniness, that rivals that, of some of the best, comedy-movies of the 1980s. The rest of his directorial efforts during his directing career, fall flat compared to Better Off Dead (1985), with his closest, next-best film, being the mediocre, One Crazy Summer (1986), also starring John Cusack. Better Off Dead (1985), is the one, that hits the mark, with a plethora of silly situations and one-line jokes. Humorous scenes, followed by plot set-up scenes, go by the screen, as Lane, in a emotional fog, tries to deal with his crazy, nutty life, with his friends and family. His father tries to keep the sanity with the rest of Lane's oddball family and you can tell, he is losing it too. Two years after leaving the legendary TV show, MASH (1972-1983), David Ogden Stiers, was perfectly cast, as Lane's confused father, Al. Al tries his best to keep the peace, but the chaos around him is too much for one man to control. His wife, Jenny (Kim Darby), wanders around the house in her own fog, crafting some of the scariest cuisine dishes ever. Lane's little brother, Badger (Scooter Stevens), is a 10 year old, evil genius, who is crafting his own homemade space-shuttle. You can see the situation, that Lane and his father, have to deal with.

There's no reason getting into the rest of the supporting characters here. You should just enjoy them, as they roll out on the screen. I'm sure you can see where the story is going. The plot is fairly basic, but handled in a way, that makes it fit in well with the comedy moments, seen throughout the film. I will mention, that Revenge of the Nerds (1984), alum, Curtis Armstrong, who plays Booger in that film, plays a virtual clone of that character, in Better Off Dead (1985), as Lane's best friend, Charles De Mar, who enjoys snorting actual snow. Another great casting, is Lane's boss at the burger joint, Rocko. Taking a break from the Porky's movies (1981-1985), Porky himself, Chuck Mitchell, performs Rocko as a Porky's clone. It's funny, because Better Off Dead (1985), is a much-better film, than the Porky's films and you could say, the best film the character of Porky, has ever been in. Better Off Dead (1985), was forever enshrined in the halls of movie-quotes, for decades, for featuring the determined paper-boy, hoodlum, Johnny (the aptly named Demian Slade), who terrorizes Lane, with the declaration, "I want my two dollars!". Most people from the 1980s, remember that quote well. Enjoy this great slice, of 1980s-styled, high-school, rom-comedy fun, which also is a salute to the genre itself. It has all the ingredients needed for 97 minutes of fun, plus it has an animated cheese-burger, that likes to sing Van Halen tunes.

PMTM Grade: 8.5 (B+) = 8 IMDB.
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