5 February 2024
This movie, about a debt collector who has no other choice than to spend the night in a haunted temple, is a good fantasy movie!

To point out, the opening scene is probably the most rushed opening scene I have ever seen, which might seem a very negative thing, but once you realize that you don't need to take the movie seriously, it isn't actually that bad. The movie still feels rushed after this scene, but that rush also helps to strengthen the humor. On the the hand, the cinematography gives mixed impressions, the story itself is also rushed, the characters are kind of stupid, and the sound effects are awful, but speaking of how you should look at the movie, its details, like the humor, sceneries, practical effects, choreography, and close-up shots are quite impressive. You can really feel a passion here, and it's more entertaining than boring. I have read that its story have been told through other installments, and no matter if I'm going to watch any of them, I would definitely love a remake with a more serious take on it and at least an hour longer.

Flawed but fun, this movie wins with humor, passion, and impressive details. While a serious remake could hold merit, the original's campy charm and pure entertainment value shouldn't be overlooked. Embrace its silliness and enjoy the ride!
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