Criminal Record (2024– )
A decent little show with some stellar acting and great cinematography
9 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Firstly let me state this - I watched this show because of Capaldi, I love Capaldi and I may be slightly biased because he's it. However, I don't believe I am.

So the positives of this show for me is Cush Jumbo, I mean wow. An unbelievably talented actor. Capaldi is Capaldi, magnificent. I actually think ALL the actors in this are properly solid. No one is poor.

Some of the shots in this show are gorgeous, I see a lot of people not liking the looks into the middle distance and stuff, I like it. Maybe I'm artsy fartsy but I do.

What I don't like is the shoe-horned racial undertones and things that make very little sense to me. For example Chloe being fuming at June for being the face the Met chose to represent as a 'black officer' because she wasn't 'black enough' when that's not what happened and that led to a bullying charge being placed on June's name? Sorry?

I think the racism stuff works, it just had to always be there, from the get go. Not 4 episodes in oh by the way it was probably racially motivated by a hate group. It's just a bit wahay! Racism! It feels a little parody-y

I also cannot stand the writing of June's marriage. It genuinely annoys me and it's not a Criminal Record thing. They do this in EVERYTHING why can't the husband be understanding!? Why does he always have to be a dope? Idk.

Anyway, hope they do something interesting, I've enjoyed it.
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