Love Affair (1939)
Tour de force in film making
11 February 2024
An absolutely lovely film that hold up over 8 decades later. Leo McCarey's direction is takes a "do not force it" approach. The viewer is on the voyage with the characters. They are fellow travelers.

For me, one of the things that affect how I remember a film has much to do with my mood, the setting, and whomever I am with when I first see the film. Mr. McCarey's remake years later is my favorite of the three remakes of which I am familiar. I do not know if a non-English version has been produced. If so, oh how I would love to see that film. So, an Affair to Remember is easily my favorite. When I watch the film I am transported to a living room where my parents watched the it with us older kids present. We always spoke about the films we watched as soon as they ended. Emotionally, An Affair to Remember has my heart.

All of that said, this is a brilliant film. Watch and enjoy how McCarey's uses the lighting to assist in setting the moods. Watch how Dunne and Boyer are playing their characters is a full 3-D world. Better yet, just sit back and let the story into your heart.
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