Far from perfect but it had me invested and that's all I ultimately want
16 February 2024
I enjoyed 'The Dry' back in 2020, at least according to my IMDb rating of it, but it must have had zero memorability because I can remember almost nothing about it. I've always said I find Eric Bana one of the driest (no pun intended) actors working today. He has no levels or diversity to his performance. 'Force of Nature: The Dry 2' actually does a good job of covering this up by having him feel more like a side character and having the plot and mystery drive the film. I enjoyed this one.

It's worth noting that is far from a perfect film however. There is a lot of sloppiness. There is a scene where a map is lost, and I couldn't get over how poorly executed it was. I would've cringed if I saw that in a 6 year-old's school play. Also it didn't help that the character that is missing and that the film is mostly about trying to find isn't a very likeable person at all. There are also a few plot points that don't really make any sense when you give them the slightest bit of extra thought.

I think this is the kind of film though where I am willing to say I can forgive the imperfections for the simple reason that I had a good time. I was invested in the story and I was rarely, if ever, bored. I would take that any day over a film that was made in a technically perfect way but bored the life out of me. This one is worth checking out. 8/10.
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