Madame Web (2024)
So bad it's good, or so bad it's bad? You decide
20 February 2024
Cannon, is that you in disguise?

I firmly believe Madame Web will go down in history as not only the worst superhero movie, but also one of the worst movies ever made. It's that bad. It's absolutely fascinating to behold.

Now, I'll be honest with you here. I only went to see this because I had heard it was an unmitigated disaster that had to be seen to be believed, and it truly does not disappoint - or massively does, depending on your viewpoint.

It takes a special kind of director to get such cringe-inducing performances out of a fairly talented cast (Dakota Johnson and Tahar Rahim are both quality actors with the right script and direction), but SJ Clarkson somehow manages to wrangle the absolute worst imaginable from every single person in the film. I'll be very surprised if she ever does another feature after this.

Nothing in this film works; the plot is moronic, the script seems like it was written by a teenager, the cinematography is horrendous, the aformentioned embarrassing performances, the audio editing is baffling (so much dubbing, brain-melting music choices). I'm amazed this didn't get shelved the minute the final cut was done.

To me, I rate this as "so bad it's good" as I wasn't bored watching it, but most people I assume will say it's just plain bad... and it is, but very entertainingly so.

If you love watching a 2hr car crash then I highly recommend this. The awfulness is mind-boggling in it's complexity, but in the best possible way. Film scholars and historians will be analysing this movie for years to come, and I hope it is talked about in the same vein as The Room in the future.

An absolutely epic misfire on all levels.
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