Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
A biopic of a difficult life...
22 February 2024
I finally sat down to watch this lauded movie which supposedly was half of the reason that saved cinema in 2024. Personally, I wasn't blown away like most others, but there's no denying this is an exceptionally well put together movie as you would expect from Christopher Nolan.

We have a biopic covering the turbulent life of Robert Oppenheimer who helped develop the atomic bomb, and we watch him having to juggle the political battles with his personal ones at a complex junction in history due to World War Two and then the Cold War. In some ways, the biggest battles for him were those in his personal life rather than on any battle-field.

There's no getting around the brilliance of the direction and performances, with many (especially Cillian Murphy) deserving of all the praise that has come their way. Robert Downey Jr, Matt Damon and Emily Blunt are brilliant in their roles, and may do little better in their careers (which is a high bar taking in what they have been previously involved in).

My problem is that as much as I was engrossed, but at three hours I thought the run-time was excessive. I was left very uncomfortable with some of the scenes covering his mistress which were lurid & mostly unnecessary. I think the film was also a little hagiography, but you do see his negative side as much as the positive.

This film deserves credit, taking a chance on a storyline of someone whom few if any will praise (even if only reluctantly) for what he achieved. In a cinema scene devoid of any genuine quality at present, it's a nice change.

Did it help to save cinema? Personally, I think it's a stop-gap in the recent decline. Far more is needed done to save film & cinema, but this is a welcome addition. I found it of interest, but not one that I will likely revisit again.
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