A Professor (2021– )
Mixed feelings
25 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
After watching Nuovo Olimpo with Damiano Gavino I was eager to see other movies in which he starred. I was thoroughly impressed with Nuovo Olimpo and with his acting.

Previews of Un Professore gave me the impression of strong LGBTQ themes in the movie. However, what storylines did contain these themes were few - and underdeveloped. Previews of this movie teased that we'd see certain relationships develop. However, they did not - at least in the way we were teased.

Once Season 2 began, it became evident that we'd see the same. In fact, what we did see was borderline uninteresting. Although "Un Professore" IS indeed about a professor, his life, and his students, I just wonder about the audience. Over 75% of the characters are high school aged. Thus, the audience likely skews as younger. In summary, does a younger audience really want Season 2 to begin with an older / divorced heterosexual couple being the primary focus?

I give this movie a high rating because of Season 1. However, I fear that my continuing to watch Season 2 will disappoint me. It has already bored me due to what I mentioned above. I want to see modern themes that younger generations can relate to. Watching depressed / stressed older couples is not interesting to me. And, I say this as an older viewer. I was hoping for something more fresh - and with stronger LGBTQ themes.

Finally, I hate watching a series in which interesting characters do not return the following season. It is mildly heartbreaking to see characters you've become attached to "written off." I'm mostly thinking of a character that received a lot of focus in the last episode of Season 1. * Spoiler * His name is Pen. Why not bring him back for Season 2? We became emotionally attached to him. We loved seeing his growth during Season 1. Then, suddenly, he's gone. And, new characters in which we have zero emotional connection to are introduced. As a viewer, this is very disappointing.
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