The casting director should be fired.
28 February 2024
Belgravia was ok with some really good actors holding it up.

This on the other hand is a mess with the worst actors caste especially Clara who is annoying in every scene and can't act. I assume she's related to someone because she certainly didn't get the role for her acting talents.

This focus's on the son of characters in the original series who were not popular or the main focus of Belgravia so to create a sequel on an obscure characters son is beyond reason and makes no sense.

We have a spoilt entitled young woman who in reality marries for money because her family are struggling, who spends 5 minutes married before she gets bored and decides to behave abhorrently. Basically, Clara is really annoying. Ok, her husband Frederick has issues because his father resented him for not being his biological child. The flashbacks are absolutely ridiculous and over the top and I assume they saved production costs by replaying the flashbacks to death for this purpose.. but again, it's annoying. How anyone signed off on this show is beyond me. They clearly didn't get a period expert in to ensure the characters behaviour was authentic because nothing made sense and it's certainly not a Downton Abbey calibre show.

I have endured 7 episodes so far, fast forwarding past a lot of it because I can't stand watching whiney Clara more than I have to.. and Fredricks miserable demeanour.. even when there are no flashbacks which isn't often.

I doubt this show will have a second season because someone should step in and put it out of its misery and cancel it.
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