Do not confound with another HUMAN FACTOR in this DEATH WISH vs terrorists scheme.
28 February 2024
The first thing I want to say is that there is something in common between Edward Dmytryck and Otto Preminger: one thing. Both finished their career with movies with the same title: HUMAN FACTOR. Both thrillers, but one of them is more action oriented and the second more "political". Both movies speak of terrorism, but both films are different. George Kennedy plays a family man whose wife and kids are slaughtered by a group of terrorists and then, as you can guess, the father will go on a vengeance rampage. The middle of the film is not that excitng, only the ending is worth for this last Ed Dmytryck's film. Here, in this late seventies feature, it is question of terrorism - very in fashion in those periods - and more or less vigilante scheme. DEATH WISH meets terrorists. George Kennedy excellent, his most convincing role.
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