A mega waste of time and one that insults those who loved the film
2 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Megamind vs The Doom Syndicate could've honestly been a good sequel to an excellent movie. With the ideas possible for what to do after how the first film went, there was a great potential for it to have more to the franchise. But if this is the direction the sequels are going after a long time for waiting, then it's making me regret ever want to see this film get a sequel.

Taking place after the movie, Megamind is settling into his new role as a hero and not the villain. His new heroic life takes an unexpected turn when his former team of evil villains come to Earth with the intentions of destroying it. It now falls to Megamind to create a new team to beat his former one and save the Earth before it's too late.

Now, the premise doesn't sound too bad on paper. In fact, I was willing to give it a shot and see what they could do with it. Oh, how wrong I was with how they completely dropped the ball.

The animation in general is horrible. I know this is on a budget for a streaming service, but was this the best they could do? Characters move either very awkwardly, stiff, and in some cases their limbs look broken or out of place. Compare it to the movie that came out over a decade ago and the animation there still looks crisp and clean. This looks like an amateur's first project done.

The acting is awful. None of the cast from the first film are back and they're really missed here. Keith Ferguson reprises his role as Megamind from the video games, but he sounds so disinterested most of the time. The rest of the cast is certainly no better at all and don't seem like they want to be there. The only one who seems to be trying the best is Josh Brenon as Minion, or Ol' Chum now. He seems to at least be putting in effort.

The characters are worse. Virtually none of the charactrers, old and new, are likable anymore. The fact Minion had to change his name because of some cease and desist order is stupid. Seriously? Who orders someone to change their name because of some brand name? The kid sidekick, Keiko, is arguably the worst and downright annoying. You know the old stereotype of a kid sidekick? Keiko is all of those old traits in her and has no reason to be here.

The villains are equally as lame. Their designs are okay at best, but compared to the previous villain of the movie, Hal/Titan, they fall very short. They're either being obnoxious, stupid, or both. It's no wonder Megamind wanted to get away from them with how irritating they are.

The writing is abysmal to say the least. The charm of Megamind had some solid comedy, but knew when to be serious or combine the two. Here, many of the jokes are horribly done or so painfully obvious you can see it coming as soon as they start setting up the joke. The dialogue is somehow worst. Characters say stuff that sounds either insufferable or makes you wonder who talks like that. Even in moments that are supposed to be uplifting or emotional, the dialogue is horrible and the immersion is ruined with either dumb jokes or saying something that doesn't fit for the scene.

I can't recommend this movie at all to anyone. This isn't meant for anyone who loved Megamind and it certainly shouldn't be used to introduce someone to the franchise itself. It's an absolute mess from beginning to end and feels like an insult to people who waited 14 years for a followup. What should've been a triumph and great movie ends up being one of the worst sequels to a classic ever.

Do yourself a favor and go watch the first film, and stay far away from this disaster and I do mean stay very far away from it.
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