Its world premiere on December 17, 1926
9 March 2024
Two Nitrate Copies Served as the basis for this reconstruction: one color-tinted element for the Bundesarchive/Film archive, Berlin, and one in black and white from Fondazion Ceneteca Italiana, Milan.

All the shots taken outdoors were made in the Alps for six years.

This is the story of a girl dancer from the Grand Hôtel Diotima (Leni Riefenstahl) who loves nature and the sea "she seems almost holy!" She is lured to the mountains by Karl (Luis Trenker) and his young buddy Vigo (Ernst Petersen). Karl plans to marry Diotima and is shocked to find her stroking the head of a stranger. How could this happen? Then there is a strange turn of events as Karl invites Vigo to do a little climbing on a dangerous mountain in bad weather. He has to get her out of his system somehow. Karl" You're my best friend. Come with me. We'll be mad together." Meantime Mother (Frida Richard) knows it all. Will Karl suspect it was Vigo that was being stroked? If so, what will happen up there just the two of them in isolation?

Mother confronts Diotima, "Was one man not enough for you?"

This is one of Lini's mountain series of films. Notice that the mountains and the clouds (shot in elapse time) are not filler or backdrop, but the main character in the film.
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