Great potential, great memories (books) but 'sadly' strongly made for kids
10 March 2024
Having read and loved all the books (and even enjoying the films to some extent), I had high expectations for the new series adaptation.

However, upon finishing the first season, I couldn't help but feel somewhat disappointed. There seemed to be so much potential for exciting scenes, thrilling moments, and epic action sequences, yet the entire first season fell short in delivering them. Many fans, myself included, found ourselves eagerly anticipating major developments in several episodes, only to be met with a lack of significant action.

Even the most memorable scenes from the books felt watered down, lacking the challenge and excitement they originally possessed. There were no spectacular moves or thrilling fights to be found.

While I understand that this adaptation is geared towards a younger audience, I still believe there is room for more action and excitement. I urge the creators to follow the books more closely and inject more energy into the series.

As a suggestion, I recommend looking at the new Airbender series, which targets a similar audience but manages to pack more action into its opening scene than the entire first season of Percy Jackson.

I'm hopeful that future episodes and seasons will explore these themes more deeply and deliver the excitement that fans of the books are craving.
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