Is there no movie maker with original ideas?
12 March 2024
Let me start off by saying that found footage genre flicks CAN be scary as it plays on the innate fear of the unknown. Having gotten that off my chest, let me proceed. Admittedly, there are found footage creations that are effective at playing on peoples' fears inducing anxiety, claustrophobia, and/or abject terror. What I find completely annoying about the paranormal investigation found footage genre, which this flick demonstrates blatantly, is as follows:

1. Why include stereotypical "weak" women who have absolutely zero fortitude on a night time ghost hunt when you HAVE to know they are going to become nothing but hysterical liabilities (and I can say this as I'm a woman)?! Women's can be mentally just as strong as a man in their own right. All women are depicted in this genre, as equal rights advocates are eager to point out, as the panicky, emotionally frail, screaming, I-just-might-faint types that need to be protected and saved. Why would you even bring women you view as such on a overnight paranormal investigation when you know that at the first hinky incident they're going to run away hysterically screaming into the dark without so much as a flashlight?!

2. Flashlights, headlamps extra batteries, portable chargers, portable comms, maybe even a small generator... Does no one who has permission to enter said property ever consider or plan for redundancy of vital basics?

3. Would it be too much to ask property owner and/or manager for extra key(s) for the exit(s) so more than one person has the ability to unlock said points of egress in case of an emergency?

4. Does no one come prepared with a first aid kit and the knowledge to render assistance in case of an emergency?

5. How about portable food and hydration in the preparation of a longer than planned stay?

6. If you have permission to be on the property to be investigated and explored, why don't you tell a friend or three where your going and when you're due back so if you don't reappear or contact said friend(s) after you're due back someone knows you need rescue?

7. Is there not a single person on the investigative team to stand up to the one in charge that if s/he wants to leave the endeavour it's their god-given right to think for his/herself and act on such? And why is the one in charge always a conceited a-hole who feels everyone else is there simply to stroke HIS narcissistic ego? Why is a woman never in charge, btw?

I could keep going but this review is getting far longer than I anticipatedbur, you, dear reader, assumedly get my point. Four stars for decent visual quality, average acting, and for effectively sucking me in hoping for some originality. Unless you're a fan of this genre, I cannot recommend this pick.
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