Sleaze 'n' Cheese
12 March 2024
La maldición de Frankenstein, also known as The Curse of Frankenstein (not to be confused with the one directed by Terence Fisher and starring the almighty Peter Cushing), delivers Jesús Franco's usual dish: a decent sleaze-feast, some blood, a most peculiar and cheesy story, and some well-shot scenes. If you are familiar with and enjoy Franco's works but have not seen this one, you may dare to watch The Curse. In my opinion, it does not belong to his best nor his worst movies. So, for aficionados of Jesús Franco's style, this film will provide sufficient entertainment. However, for those new to his universe, I would recommend starting with some of his top (or better, as some would say) movies like Jack the Ripper, Count Dracula, or Vampyros Lesbos. Once you have accustomed yourself to his taste and crave more, you may put The Curse on your screen. Exact rate: 4.5.
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