Red Queen (2024)
The queen of cliches
15 March 2024
I am Spaniard so I was really excited about this one. I really loved to write a good review about something well made in my country like "Antidisturbios" for example. So, consequently I started to watch this based on a successful best seller. But I was wrong thinking this will be great. I am not sure why the hype of scoring this production as a 10.

First, the story is full of cliches, predictable and certainly boring. You can predict almost 95% of the story without reading the book.

Second, the acting seems forced and full of cliches again. Sometimes it looks like a soap opera mixed with Matrix and Saw. Terrible. Even the lead woman does a great job, sometimes is annoying because of her dialogues.

Last, the stereotypes here again are forced and nothing to do with reality from my country. People from Vasc Country speak Euskera not like here.

Anyway, I do not recommend this series if you have watched similar ones. Boring, predictable and not clever. Even the stereotypes are wrong.
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