Review of Rev.

Rev. (2010–2014)
If only
19 March 2024
If only Olivia Coleman weren't in this. Basically, this should be the story of an inner city vicar who is not really sure if he's making a difference. So if Olivia Coleman's character didn't exist, everything would be fine.

He could lust after the beautiful principal of the school, he could question his vocation and he could get a chance to openly discuss religion in a modern sitcom and that might be really helpful.

But it's hard to understand how these two people would even meet, let alone have sex or get married. They don't seem to know each other and they don't seem to have anything in common. It's like they just added her in as an afterthought.

So she is dressing up like a prostitute in the local convenience store to enhance their sex life and he's questioning the nature of existence. Just doesn't make any sense.

You would think that someone in his situation who decided to marry would be really in love and pretty certain about what they want to do with their life. I almost think she forgets what his job is.

Anyway, they have wonderful actors and they are all wasted with an absurd plot line.
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