Classic Russian story
19 March 2024
Lover's Prayer is an adaptation of an Anton Chekhov story, so you should expect it to be very Russian. There is a lot of philosophizing, a very nostalgic look on youth and love, and a great focus on royalty and class distinction. Tradition and values play large roles in the story, and there are many characters you can imagine are fleshed out on the page but aren't given enough time in less than two hours on the screen. This is not a criticism, merely a commentary on Russian stories. If you've seen the trailer and are expecting it to be a British period piece, you will be very confused. This is not like A Room With A View. You might find the story pointless, the protagonist shockingly young minded, and the constant theatrics tiresome, but these are elements of a Russian story.

That disclaimer aside, this is not a bad movie. Nick Stahl stars as the young man who is blinded by the pretty face of Kirsten Dunst. Kirsten looks absolutely lovely in this movie, with beautiful gowns and a very flattering hairstyle and makeup palette. Even though she was a teen icon, I love her in period pieces because her beauty really comes out. She is charming and as sweet as Dora in David Copperfield, but on the inside she is manipulative and as careless as Daisy in The Great Gatsby. She has suitors surrounding her constantly, and Nick doesn't know or doesn't care that his love is unreciprocated. There is a lot of drama, as you can imagine, some heartache, and major surprises. There are also a lot of familiar faces in the cast, including Julie Walters, Nathaniel Parker, Kenny Doughty, and the voice of James Fox. Check it out if it appeals to you; but make sure you're prepared for Russian literature!

DLM Warning: If you suffer from vertigo or dizzy spells, like my mom does, this movie might not be your friend. About 30 minutes in, Nick Stahl sits down to daydream, and the camera wobbles then tilts around during his fantasy for a few minutes, and that will make you sick. In other words, "Don't Look, Mom!"
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