Let's delve into a review of the 1993 film "House of Cards":
20 March 2024
Let's delve into a review of the 1993 film "House of Cards":

"House of Cards" is a perplexing cinematic endeavor that defies easy categorization. Directed by Michael Lessac, the film opens in Mexico, where Sally's parents, both scientists studying ancient ruins, meet a tragic fate. Her father's fall from a ruin leads to his demise. An enigmatic mystic informs Sally that the departed find their abode on the moon, and if she listens carefully, she can hear them.

Sally (played by Asha Menina) and her mother (Kathleen Turner) return to America, where Sally begins exhibiting symptoms of autism. She remains silent, reacting with loud, dissonant noises when her environment changes. Desperate to reach her, her mother takes her to a clinic run by Tommy Lee Jones, who diagnoses autism. But Sally's silence conceals a deeper purpose: she is listening for her deceased father.

In a remarkable attempt to communicate, Sally constructs an intricate tower of cards-a soaring architectural marvel that appears to defy the laws of physics. The Turner character deciphers Sally's intent: she is trying to connect with her mother. Inspired, she designs her own tower using computer-aided design (CAD) software and builds it from plywood. The computer scenes, while abundant, lack meaningful impact.

The actual tower, however, resembles something any resourceful child's mother could construct for well under $100,000. As the mother and child ascend the tower, its symbolism reverberates-a desperate climb toward understanding and connection.

Tommy Lee Jones, despite a baffling character, delivers intensity and concern. His scenes remain intriguing, even if their connection to the rest of the film remains elusive. Unfortunately, the movie as a whole defies explanation. It lacks interest, intelligence, plausibility, and entertainment value. The synopsis is so absurd that it seems unproduceable, yet it exists.

In summary, "House of Cards" is an enigma-an inexplicable cinematic venture that leaves viewers puzzled and searching for meaning. If you're drawn to unconventional narratives and symbolic towers, this film might intrigue you, but be prepared for a journey into the inexplicable.
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