A divine Comedy with a Punch
22 March 2024
My Review- Wicked Little Letters - My Rating 9/10

What an enjoyable romp refreshingly original like a dose of Tourette's the cast obviously had fun reciting the foul profanities in the wicked little letters that screenplay writer Jonny Sweet composed for this humorous comedy of substance .

I describe it as a comedy of substance because Jonny Sweet has combined a style of comedy with an earthiness and pathos which it seems only the British or Irish can achieve.

I won't spoil the story as it was a complete surprise to me in a way as I was expecting another predictable Midsummer murder type plot and no murders occur at all .

I wasn't expecting so many complex issues to be explored in this clever plot .

Set in 1920 post World War 1 Britain in a seaside village called Littlehampton matronly spinster Edith Swan played with delicious complexity by the superb Olivia Coleman receives the most obscene poisonous letters in language that no God fearing Christian woman would know or would she ?

When other women in Edith Swan's circle also begin to receive these obscene letters Edith's domineering father insists he knows who is responsible and the local police began an investigation.

The publicity of this unusual case soon propels Edith into the National News and her new found notoriety begins to appeal to this woman who has gone unnoticed for her entire life.

The prime suspect is her neighbour a young foul mouthed mother Irish immigrant named Rose Gooding played to perfection by Jessie Buckley.

These two fine actresses both in their prime are the heart and soul of Wicked Little Letters as the history of their complex relationship is revealed in this clever tale.

Three veterans of British theatre and cinema also have great moments in this movie.

Timothy Spall and Gemma Jones play Edith's parents Edward and Victoria Swan in one telling line Victoria reveals that she had six children 5 left and poor dowdy Edith was the chick that stayed behind to look after her parents .Edith's domineering chauvinist father bullies her poor daughter in one of the more serious sides to this story.

I was also delighted to see 90 year old Eileen Atkins cast as Mabel a member of the Christian women's whist card club she has some great wise and insightful lines in the movie.

I won't say more however what impressed me the most in Wicked Little Letters beautifully directed by another great woman director Thea Sharrock were the handling of the effects of issues like parental neglect and abuse on their children especially when the relationship is based on dependency.

Also the misogyny and power games directed at female employees that existed in the 1920's that I hope has disappeared from the Police Force today.

Anjana Vasan is perfect cast as Police woman Officer Gladys Moss she is belittled and patronised by the 2 Keystone Cops who try to keep her in her place .

I liked her line just call me Police Officer Gladys Moss isn't it obvious I'm a woman ?

The other great aspect of Wicked Little Letters for me was the way a persons appearance and personality can be used to incriminate them when a suspect must be found at all costs even when credible evidence points to the contrary.

Wicked Little Letters has an hysterical conclusion I really loved this movie.
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