The Gone (2023– )
About As Gripping As A Handshake With An Arthritic Frog.
27 March 2024
This is an awful attempt at a serious crime thriller that never elevates itself above ponderous, and badly acted ponderous at that. With every episode the creator's/writer's gears grind clunkily, desperate to shift out of the opening episode's snail-sluggish first gear.

To be fair, the premise is decent enough, and certainly not terrible and plausible enough. Sadly, the creators threw endless, plodding plot devices and misdirects at the thing, and the acting rarely convinces beyond amateur level and is often excrutiating, particularly the insufferable Irish cop and an investigative journalist who grates like fingernails down a blackboard.

And boy is it slooooooow. Plot devices normally move the story forward. In The Gone they act like speed bumps and traffic lights.

As the whole thing chugs and splutters to its final, final finale, we're left with the tropiest of tropiest conclusions (set in, wait for it, a cabin in the woods) and the depressing inevitability that the only point of this six part exercise in a new genre of no thrills thrillers was to squeeze out another six parts.
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