The big turn around
28 March 2024
So I just watched this movie again and rarely, if ever, has my opinion on a film changed more upon second viewing. I saw it around the time it came out and didn't like it. To me it seemed like just a bunch of trucks driving in the desert while people scream at each other for two hours. Watching it again, knowing what to expect, I thought it was brilliant.

This is like a sci-fi-action-carsploitation-arthouse movie. It's an adrenaline rush from start to finish, sure, but it's like every frame of the movie is jampacked with creativity. Every line of dialogue, every performance, offers a hint of something much more. There are so many little details, you know it's a movie that's only going to reward repeated viewings.

I wish I'd watched it on the big screen.

Now, there's a sequel coming out, and I don't know if that's a good thing. It reminds me of "Sin City" and to a lesser extent, "300". Both captured lightning in a bottle and both had lacklustre sequels. Watching "Sin City" made me think you couldn't have too much of a good thing, but "A Dame to Kill For" had all the joy of creation taken out of it. Lightning can't strike twice.

Of course, "Fury Road" is a sequel in itself, and as far as I know there's never been a bad Max Max movie. I can't see them repeating this trick a second time though, so it'll probably have to be something different.
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