Each of my stars is x10!
30 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I was trying to remember if I'd ever felt more satisfaction from a documentary before than this one. The satisfaction comes from the fact that not only is it a well-made film, but it also documents the mighty fall of Alex Jones. He may still be "broadcasting" on his whatever site, but I don't think he will ever have the power and reach he once had. As it turns out, there ARE limits to what he continues to try to claim are his "First Amendment Rights." You can't defame people and get away with it, and he certainly defamed people, both living and dead.

The thing about this film is that I never knew just how bad this situation was. This is NOT a doc that you can skip if you know the basic story. I'd heard about Alex Jones through the years and his "theories" about Sandy Hook, but I didn't know just how malicious and damaging to grieving people he was. The doc reveals that with court testimony. It details how the parents of the murdered children were harassed for a decade -- A DECADE! -- by Jones and his followers. And all so Jones could make money off the backs of murdered children. I guess even now, after all this country has been through for the past eight years, I CAN still be shocked by what some people will do to fulfill the wishes of a stochastic terrorist. I don't have much religion in my life, but I can say that Evil truly does walk the Earth in several different guises, Alex Jones being only one of them.

With all of that said, this ends up being a very satisfying story because in the end, Jones gets a little of what's coming to him. The Satan Construction Corporation is currently hard at work on those extra levels of Hell they're going to need for these people. Highly recommended whether you're an Alex Jones fan or not. A solid 10 like the best HBO documentaries often are.
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