Monkey Man (2024)
⚡ Energy Energy Energy ⚡
31 March 2024
Just Got out of an Early Screening of Monkey Man.

It was a High Intensity Watch at Times. It has an Effective Display of Energy up on the Screen. I didn't know Dev Patel Directed this. I must say, it's a Very Good Execution.

A Mix of Indian Mythology, Hand to Hand Combat and Great Sound Design and Score.

Things I Liked -

1a. 💪 Dev Patel is very good in this, he's brutal, both in giving and receiving Pain.

1b. 💪 Staying on the Fighting, Some of the Fight Sequences and Fight Choreography were very Good.

2. 🎵 ⚡ The Thumping Score and Sound Design Vastly Elevates What's Happening on Screen, it sounds very Good on the Ear 👂. It's very Effective Stuff.

3. 📜 The Plotline is Interesting Enough, as I said it's a Mix of Indian Mythology, Some Real World Indian Political History, Brutal Hand to Hand Combat (Some Gun Play too) and a Revenge Story.

4. Loved the Ending.

Overall, a very High Intensity Watch at Times.
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