Le erase it's not that bad at all and it's worthy for your collection!
31 March 2024
Escape from a women's prison a story of sex and violence 1978. Four female convicts Escape find a bus of people to kidnap and are apparently tennis players and one of the tennis players apparently know where to hide out and it's a home of a judge which is crazy because what do judges do lock you up take that freedom away! Really cool and pretty over the top! They do it the best the Italians not really a women in prison movie they literally Escape 2 minutes into the movie LOL. After that they somehow kill a cough and someone else and then eventually to a bus and kidnap the people on the bus. And then from there ridiculous rape scenes happen and it says it don't mind it who would ever want to get raped. So they get to the house very big house a villa possibly and eventually the cops come ready for a Siege. I won't spoil anything about the siege I will say this though the movie has an awesome soundtrack super groovy and just even the the disco songs with lyrics are pretty cool too it's definitely recommended if you like exploitation!
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