Thoroughly unconvincing
31 March 2024
The premise is ok, the pacing is ok, the acting is passable, but it's all kind of uninspiring, except that... the main thing, the real problem....

...is that Yazi, our protagonist, who is meant to have captured the interest/hearts/curiosity or something, of several of the other characters is a completely uncompelling, selfish brat who makes some pretty distasteful decisions.

Having such characters in a story is not the problem in itself. It's that in this case the audience is being asked to believe that anyone else would like them. There is no reason to. There is one long scene attempting I suppose to convey an angelic innocence, but scene is a real clash of style and tone with the rest of the film, and includes some pretty odd and creepy behaviour from a character who is very different in all other scenes. The attempt fails horribly by the way.

I could not find a way in which any character would be drawn to her, and so when they are, it is just not convincing.

Don't know how I watched it all.
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