Bad vs. worse
1 April 2024
No pun intended - sometimes a person who we would consider evil, may do something good. We have a moral compass, so seeing someone being evil, but also how this was ... well pushed on to him! If you are left alone, if you are left to ... let's call it struggle for yourself ... well it shapes you. It makes you to the person you grow up to be - if you survive that "fight".

There is a really gruesome scene at the beginning of the movie. And it is not visceral, it is not explicit .. but if you are a parent and you see this ... I am not a parent myself yet, I can only imagine what it feels like, being an uncle (multiple times) to watch this ... not easy to stomach to say the least.

But the movie also has violence that is graphic - you can't be too sensitive about it. Also when it comes to the "hero" of this ... but for what it's worth the movie is quite interesting and sometimes even satisfying in a weird way ... you just have to be able to go through with it ... will "good" prevail?
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