Red Rooms (2023)
2 April 2024
Do you always find yourself searching for a horror/thriller that's actually legitimately horrifying/thrilling? I know the struggle, but here's one for you. Pascal Plante's Red Rooms (Les Chambres Rouges) is a smart, sleek, sickening and highly disquieting piece about the sordid obsession everyone seems to have with true crime these days and the voyeuristic slant the internet has unfortunately bestowed upon it. A Montreal courtroom is hearing the case of a man charged with the brutal torture and slaughter of three teenage girls, the filming of which has been sold and distributed on the dark web. Various individuals attend the hearing including a mousy groupie (Laurie Babin) who believes the guy is innocent and a mysterious model (Juliette Gariépy) whose intentions remain, for the moment, unclear. It's here I'll stop with explicit plot description because this is truly one diabolical narrative puzzle to put together, steeped in nerve wracking suspense, vivid performances, an operatic score and some themes that will shake you to your core. How far can one go into freelance investigative territory before it becomes less about justice and more about personal gratification and getting too deep down a rabbit hole of distressing psychological discovery? The answers found in this story will make even the most seasoned horror fan uneasy, opening a Pandora's box of difficult moral quandaries and tough-pill revelations. Watch with caution, it's not for the squeamish and it's one of the most genuinely disturbing films I've seen in awhile, but also one of the most well made, and philosophically provocative. Streaming in CraveTV in Canada which means it might be on HBO Max, the stateside equivalent. Phenomenal, albeit profoundly dark film.
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