Infuriating and gratifying at the same time
6 April 2024
This documentary was amazing. To see a father AND MOTHER stand up for their 13 year old daughter after she was gang raped and made to feel as though she and the family had the burden of shame to wear instead of the rapists, by the community around her was absolutely mind blowing and infuriating. I found myself screaming at the tv. The "leaders" of the village the family lives in, should be fired and ran out of town. Along with anyone who thinks a 13 year old girl, asked for it, or anyone who thinks boys only attack/rape a girl bc the girl made him do it. This thinking is disgusting and the fact any of these people can think this is acceptable is truly unbelievable and unacceptable. ESPECIALLY someone who is supposed to look over the village. The two men in charge are every cuss word you can think of. I know I called them every thing I could think of. Back to the storyline, this story was very hard to watch but I'm so glad I did. I have always been so saddened by places who hold females with such little regard. This needs to change. This young lady and her family were so brave to come forward with this and fight against everyone and everything fighting against them. I absolutely recommend everyone watches this and I plan on looking up if there is anyway I can help this family or any other in need. They had to live in this community while being harassed. We need to help these people be relocated and with jobs so they don't have to endure this after they have been through so much already.
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