A Moral Journey with Tragic Outcome
6 April 2024
Irrational Man, by Woody Allen, is a film that weaves a complex narrative of suspense, philosophy, and romance. Through the character of Abe Lucas (Joaquin Phoenix), a philosophy professor in existential crisis, the film explores themes such as nihilism, morality, and the role of individual action.

Abe, tormented by the feeling that life is meaningless, finds a new purpose by getting involved in a case of possible injustice committed by a corrupt judge. He decides to take steps to correct the situation, crossing the line between right and wrong.

The film is divided into two distinct parts. The first focuses on Abe's existential crisis and his tedious philosophical reflections, as well as his relationship with Jill and Rita Richards (Parker Posey). The second part focuses on the case of injustice and Abe's decision to take the law into his own hands.

The brilliant performances of Joaquin Phoenix and Emma Stone elevate the film to new heights, infusing each scene with palpable intensity. The chemistry between the characters is tangible, creating a dynamism that sustains the viewer in a state of constant suspense.

As weaknesses of this script, we can highlight the somewhat slow narrative. As for the dialogues about philosophy, they can be tedious, where the mention of renowned philosophers and attempts to explain their thoughts are confused with intellectual depth.

In summary, "Irrational Man" is an intriguing film that weaves a complex moral journey. Although the slow pace and lack of development of some characters may be critical points, it is a film that will make you think about life, morality, and the consequences of our actions.
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