Review of Queens

Queens (2024– )
How to Ruin a Crown: The Disastrous Tale of "Queens"the documentary
8 April 2024
The "Queens" documentary left me profoundly disappointed. Despite its visually stunning presentation, the experience was marred by a soundtrack that clashed horribly with the breathtaking visuals. Instead of enhancing the storytelling, the intrusive vocals turned the documentary into a misguided musical experiment gone awry.

The lack of harmony between the audio and visual elements left me questioning whether I was watching a serious documentary or a failed attempt at a Broadway adaptation.

But the disappointment didn't end there. The narrative felt superficially constructed, tailored to a specific audience rather than genuinely exploring its subject matter. Rather than delving into the complexities of queendom, the documentary presented a shallow portrayal that lacked depth and substance. It reduced the concept of being a queen to a mere caricature, devoid of the genuine struggles and triumphs that define the title.

In many cultures, being a queen is about earning respect and authority through merit and leadership. However, in this documentary, it felt like the essence of queendom was lost amidst contrived drama.

The narrative resembled a poorly written love-drama story, with animals awkwardly cast as the protagonists in a human-influenced drama. The overall result was a forced and artificial narrative that lacked authenticity and gravitas.

Rather than shedding light on the true essence of queendom, the "Queens" felt like a misguided attempt at entertainment with little meaningful insight to offer. In fact, the documentary may have been more enjoyable if watched without the sound altogether. It's a shame that such visually stunning cinematography was overshadowed by nonsensical soundtrack that failed to complement it.
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