One of the worst movies I've seen of the year
19 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The story starts off with normal SpongeBob antics, but slowly deteriorates into a mess of randomness. The acting for the humans is horrendous, almost every scene they're in is awkward due to it. The main antagonist of the film for some random reason was a robot and then gets her head blown off of the machine, then she takes control of the body of a fish. The effects during her backstory were horrible, and during the ending when she's swimming away her head is just a picture pasted into the fish's mouth. The comedy is not great if you're older than the age of 9, and the only times I laughed were at the bad parts. The voice acting was good, the animation wasn't too bad. But everything after the humans got introduced felt weird. I don't recommend this movie unless you want to laugh at horrible acting/effects.
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