Dark: Was man sät, das wird man ernten (2017)
Season 1, Episode 8
Very good for an exposition episode
21 April 2024
Ulrich time travels to 1953 and the stranger has a revealing conversation.

The plot covers a lot of ground as usual. The setting and characters of 1953 are introduced very well. We are shown plenty of interesting moments of characters portrayed younger and some we have not seen before. Some aspects are very interesting and prompt more questions. As to be expected the period detail is excellent.

Ulrich continues his search for the guilty party, which includes several quite compelling and ironic interactions with various characters that you feel might have implications on events already portrayed in later times periods. One scene is particularly disturbing and pushes his character arc to a very dark place.

There is a big scene of exposition that is done as well as possible for this type of detail. I like that the filmmakers break it up into segments and include more than just two people talking. Some dialogue sensibly includes cutaway shots for it to become narration. Plus when we see the characters talking the visuals are very atmospheric.
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