A Sad, Dark, True Story
28 April 2024
I was intrigued to watch this because it's based on a true story, but I felt cautious due to its content of lesbian incest. Soon after watching the movie all my cautions vanished. It's surprisingly a good film, very dark, but well constructed.

I think the reason the movie does so well with the sensitive subject matter is that the sisters never feel like sisters. They feel like lovers from the first time you see them. And the relationship comes across as mutual. It's done in a very gentle manner that shows so much love and kindness between the two. And then as the film goes on we see a decent into madness. But you can't help but feel for the sisters and thair horrible circumstances and life. From abuse to isolation to really only having each other its understandable what happened in the end.

The movie is dark especially how things end up. For only having four characters in the movie, it did a really good job with keeping its intensity and pace. I never felt board. The acting was amazing. Jodhi May who play Lea made those panic attacks look and feel real. Her anxiety was palpable. Joely Richardson who played Christine was fabulous with the extreme intensity she brought to the screen. One moment she could be the embodiment of kindness and love. The next she is a raging mad woman.

I looked into the facts of the true story behind this movie and felt a little disappointed. It does follow the story pretty well and adds in all the main points. But the real story is more awful and intense. And would have made a better movie if they would have followed it more closely. It would have been nice to have added more of the backstory of their childhood to give more context for their actions. And they were abused by their employer for years causing them to come to the end of themselves. It's a really interesting read. It's too bad they didn't add in more.
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