Breaking Bad: Seven Thirty-Seven (2009)
Season 2, Episode 1
Strong start to the seconds series
30 April 2024
We see the aftermath of the first series finale.

It feels more like a continuation from a mid-season break than a new season, but there are some very memorable moments.

I remember being captivated by the black and white opening when I saw this episode on its initial release. On a rewatch it is not quite the same, but works well in a different way because I know the outcome.

I like that the writers do not move on from how the previous encounter with Tuco ended, but acknowledge the consequences immediately and make it part of the overarching narrative. Plenty of dark humour and a strong sense of paranoia is generated from this, particularly the scenes involving the character Gonzo.

Generally the humour involving the Hank is top drawer as always. His obliviousness to Walt's criminal life is superbly done and his scene with Skyler is fantastic. Dean Norris and Anna Gunn are both awesome in this scene, especially Gunn.

The scenes involving Walt and Jesse are great as always, with both actors on form as ever.

For me it is an 8.5/10, but I round upwards.
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