Jessi's Girls (1975)
Once Upon a Time in the Female West
1 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
*** This review may contain spoilers ***

*Plot and ending analyzed*

If you have watched every Western by now, you will probably be coming up to lower end bargain basement bin movies like this one.

It uses the established formula from Nevada Smith (1966) in which Steve McQueen seeks revenge for the murder of his parents. He is taught how to shoot by the reliable actor Brian Keith.

This time around they make it a female revenge Western, and toss the women's undergarments into the bonfire. The moment was ripe, since feminists were burning their own brassieres in the street, denouncing male overlords, and letting their body hair grow out everywhere.

So, a few female revenge Westerns came out at this time, and also later. Wild Women (1970), The Animals (1970), Hannie Caulder (1971), Apache Woman (1976), Desperate Women (1978), and White Apache (1987).

Were they any good? Nope, they all stunk like fresh cow manure, and were pretty average and below average. The main problem was that they are completely unbelievable. No one who has watched Westerns is going to be convinced that these women can actually handle a revolver, much less survive in the harsh climate of the old West. Another problem was that the movies were wholly preposterous and ridiculous. How many times can you watch a woman shoot a man in the (blank)? It gets weary really quick.

So, director Al Adamson gives us his own inept treatment of the subject. It is dumber than a pile of bricks, and very tedious at times, but surprisingly it is watchable. I said watchable, not enjoyable.

I like that 1950s Western film star Rod Cameron gets to play the old reliable who teaches the woman how to survive and handle a gun. He is barely recognizable because they pasted a dead roadkill skunk on his face that is supposed to pass off as a beard. He hardly gets any screen time either, which is a shame, and probably was only paid bus money for his appearance.

The location shooting is very beautiful, and the final showdown actually has some good stunt work.

There is also a nice Western theme. But after it is played constantly, you will get annoyed by it, and on the twentieth time that you hear it in the movie, you will want to either mute the sound, or toss the television out the window.
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